Individual income tax rates in NZ – $50k intervals to $500k

For the purposes of:

  • Facilitating discussion around what a fair tax system looks like
  • To provide a far greater income range, and different insights, beyond the graph above
  • To illustrate the multiple approach used for designing tax systems

Income Income tax Tax/income Income vs $50k Tax vs $50k
$50,000 $8,020 16% x 1 x 1
$100,000 $23,920 24% x 2 x 3
$150,000 $40,420 27% x 3 x 5
$200,000 $58,120 29% x 4 x 7.2
$250,000 $77,620 31% x 5 x 9.7
$300,000 $97,120 32% x 6 x 12.1
$350,000 $116,620 33% x 7 x 14.5
$400,000 $136,120 34% x 8 x 17
$450,000 $155,620 35% x 9 x 19.4
$500,000 $175,120 35% x 10 x 21.8

Are New Zealand’s individual income tax rates fair?

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Other notes:

Thank you to the Factors who helped pull this together.


Tax rates for individuals

This work is based on/includes Stats NZ’s data which are licensed by Stats NZ for reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Did we make a mistake, or have you got smarter data? Let us know.