From 2019/20 to 2020/21, in New Zealand:
Adult obesity increased from 31.2% to 34.3% (a 10% increase, or 3.1% more obese adults)
~1.5 million New Zealanders were obese (including children)

The largest adult obesity increases were:
Pacific obesity increasing from 63.5% to 71.3%
Women obesity increasing from 31.9% to 35.9% 

Was this sudden increase due solely to Covid lockdown measures?

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  • Obese is defined as a person having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more (or equivalent for those younger than 18 years). It is not a perfect measure, but is still the leading measure and has been consistently applied over many years.
  • This 2020/21 New Zealand Health Survey data was published online on 01 December 2021.
  • Data was collected between September 2020 and August 2021
  • The sample size was 9,709 adults (and 2,954 children).
  • The adult sample for 2020/21 is about 69 percent of the size of the usual sample (compared with pre-COVID-19 years from 2011/12 to 2018/19).


Data published by Ministry of Health
(c) Crown Copyright
Licensed for use under the creative commons attribution licence (BY) 4.0

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