Death WITH Covid mortality rates by age group in New Zealand as at 14th March 2022:

Age group Deaths with Covid Recovered Total  Mortality rate
0 – 9 1 18,848 18,849 0.0%
10 – 19 0 39,919 39,919 0.0%
20 – 29 0 47,842 47,842 0.0%
30 – 39 2 33,493 33,495 0.0%
40 – 49 8 22,112 22,120 0.0%
50 – 59 9 14,721 14,730 0.1%
60 – 69 13 6,886 6,899 0.2%
70 – 79 22 2,445 2,467 0.9%
80 – 89 30 720 750 4.0%
90 + 17 130 147 11.6%
Unknown 0 0 0 n/a
Total 102 187,116 187,218 0.05%
  • The death with Covid mortality rate is now 0.05% for the New Zealand population
  • This is a more than 6x decrease from 0.36% as at Jan 31st 2022
  • The primary reason for this is, of course, the Omicron variant

Should we be dropping Covid restrictions quicker?

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  • The true mortality rate is likely considerably lower than 0.05% due to the number of unreported cases.
  • The Ministry of Health data provides Covid death and recovery rates by age, but not the mortality percentage which we have calculated by dividing deaths by (deaths plus recovered).
  • Death figures are of those who died with Covid, not necessarily because of it. Primary cause of death and co-morbidity data has not yet been made public. We have put in several Official Information Act requests to try to obtain this.
  • 102 deaths is a small sample due to the 0.05% death rate, but the recovered sample size is significant at 187,116.
  • We have not commented on any long-term side-effects from getting Covid, or not, as that is not yet well researched, understood, or published.
  • All numbers are provisional and subject to revision.
  • If you would like the full data analysis workings, please contact us.


Data published by Ministry of Health
(c) Crown Copyright
Licensed for use under the creative commons attribution licence (BY) 4.0

For the Jan 31st data table, please visit

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